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WK2LIVE8: Healthy Home Keep Its, Meet the Measure Its

"The HUD 8 Keep It principles are the foundation and fundamentals for Healthy Homes. Once BPI introduced building science and home-as-a-system the assessment went from a mostly visual to integrating the diagnostic tools they use for audits. This changed healthy home assessments forever. Joe Medosch and Kevin Kennedy took these audit tools combined with other IAQ measurements and created the Measure Its. We still believe your senses are the primary tool and all other measurements confirm or deny your hypothesis. Join us to learn what are the ""must measure its"" and what are the best-practices for accurate results. Our list expands from fundamental diagnostics to the next level - all able to be completed by a BPI Healthy Home Evaluator or similar assessor. This is the first session - best-practice for diagnostics and measurements. Join us for the follow-up second session on understanding the findings. What does the data mean and how to interpret the results."