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Final Guidelines for the Protection and Training of Workers Engaged In Maintenance and Remediation Work Associated with Mold 14 2.3 Learning objectives and prerequisites 2.3.1 Description of learning objectives This guidance supports the ANSI recommendation that learning objectives be written for each course and that they include: • the target audience; • the desired knowledge, skill, or ability to be learned by the trainee; • the conditions under which the knowledge, skill, or ability is to be demonstrated; and • the criteria for determining that the learning objective has been achieved. Additionally, learning objectives shall be observable and measurable, consider the required background and experience of the trainees, and state any prerequisites. A widely used mnemonic device for writing good objectives is SMART : Specific—Measurable—Action-oriented— Relevant—Timely. 2.3.2 Learning objectives for the courses Primary knowledge objectives for mold remediation course Participants came to the consensus that it was critical to develop training objectives for the knowledge and the skills essential for mold remediation workers. Individual learning objectives will need to be generated by training providers that are based on the specific needs analysis for their training populations. Table 7 provides a list of the broad recommended knowledge objectives that the workshop experts felt should be considered when creating learning objectives for a given set of students.